Project Cargo Handling

For safe and reliable transport of your bulk cargo One Freight project management and logistics consulting services will ensure your oversized/overweight cargo is handled professionally from door-to-door with maximum efficiency while minimizing the risks and costs involved with moving large out-of-gauge project cargo.

One Freight global network can maintain flexibility when it comes to receiving and consolidating bulk cargo, along with facilitating the complete movement of large project cargo from your suppliers’ warehouse to site. We can offer efficient service and have your project cargo to site with minimum fuss without having to deal with third-party transport providers.

Our dedication to customer service means that you will have the same One Freight staff member on hand to personally deal with any issues that may arise while handling complex project cargo movements.


We offer only Customer Oriented logistic solutions


To be a preferred global partner to our clients offering reliable, competitive “one-stop, door-to-door” logistics and relocation solutions.To achieve our vision and mission by attracting and retaining the best talent.